What are we up to?
Check out out current and past projects and see what we've been working on!
View our ProjectsMarch 2025 MRC Meeting
: San Juan Island Grange - 152 First St. NW Friday Harbor, WACheck out out current and past projects and see what we've been working on!
View our ProjectsThe San Juan County MRC continue to build on their efforts to assist the recovery efforts of the endangered Southern Resident Killer whale. To learn more about our work and how to get involved check out our SRKW project page.
Plastic Free Salish Sea is an MRC led collaborative education and awareness building campaign aimed at changing citizen behavior and the culture of plastic. Our vision is to eliminate single-use plastics in San Juan County and clean up our water. Check out more of this campaign at: www.plasticfreesalishsea.org
The County is the Lead Entity for Salmon Recovery in the San Juan Islands. The Lead Entity Program is devoted to the recovery of sustainable salmon populations to support the needs of the local ecosystem, wildlife, and people in the San Juans. The Marine Resources Committee also undertakes the role of Citizens Advisory Group to the local Lead Entity.