Exploring Protection Priorities for Southern Resident Killer Whale Foraging Areas Along the Westside of San Juan Island.

The core summer critical habitat of the endangered Southern Resident killer whales is located in the heart of the Salish Sea; a region held in high regard by the local community and Coast Salish Tribes that call the San Juan Islands home.

The waters off the west coast of San Juan Island are an important foraging area for the whales as they are one of the primary migratory corridors for returning Fraser River Chinook salmon, critical to the summer/fall diet of the Southern Residents. The area is also important for salmon fishing for Coast Salish Tribes, commercial, and recreational fishing. The San Juan Islands are usual and accustomed fishing and hunting areas for Coast Salish Tribes. But the Southern Residents are susceptible to disturbance from noise and presence of vessels.

San Juan County Department of Environmental Stewardship, with the support of the Marine Resources Committee identified Southern Resident killer whales (SRKW) foraging hotspots. The project undertook the following research and engagement efforts:

  • analysed whale presence and behavior on the west side of San Juan Island
  • collected acoustic data to understand the underwater soundscape,
  • conducted an assessment of community values,
  • compared whale presence to fishing activity on the west side of San Juan Island.

The results of the monitoring, analysis, and engagement efforts, combined with the latest best available science addressing the impacts of vessels on the SRKW, point to the need for additional protections for SRKW foraging habitat.

San Juan County and the MRC weighed the evidence presented by the science and assessed the input of local stakeholders to define a Quite Foraging Area for the whales. Recommending an integrated management strategy that combines mandatory go-slow and restricted activity zones, within timing limitations. This approach will provide the most balanced approach to protecting the endangered whales while allowing for some vessel-based activities and respecting the sovereignty of local Coast Salish Tribes and their Usual and Accustomed fishing areas.

Project Goals
Collect relevant scientific information
Determine community values
Identify management actions to facilitate greater protection for foraging whales.

Final Report

Jeff Hogan, Killer Whale Tales

Acoustic Monitoring

Coastal Acoustic Buoys were deployed at four paired locations between Cattle Point and Pile Point in the summers of 2019 and 2020 to measure ambient noise levels inside and outside of the County’s voluntary No-Go Zone as well as acoustically detect Southern Residents.

To tease apart different drivers of ambient noise in the study area, SMRU Consulting focused on seven different factors: 1) the No-Go Zone, 2) location, 3) day vs night, 4) weekend vs midweek, 5) holiday weekends, 6) year, and 7) commercial fish openings.

In addition to ambient noise, an acoustic boat detector and a 50 kHz detector were used to identify periods when boats were present and depth sounders/fish finders were being used.  These detectors allowed for transiting boats to be differentiated from those engaged in trolling.

To learn about this study and the results please view the video below and check out the report. 


SMRU Consulting Acoustic Monitoring Report

The project’s three key data inputs used to inform the planning process included:

  1. Identifying high-priority foraging hotspots using whale behavior data from more than 18,000 observations over 19 years.
  2. Understanding the acoustic soundscape of high-use areas and how it relates to different boating activities.
  3. Understanding the social values and attitudes of local user groups, as well as Tribes.

In addition, information was gathered on recreational and commercial fishing openings to understand the overlap with killer whales’ presence on the westside on the westside of San Juan Island.

Presentation on the results of the acoustic monitoring by SMRU Consulting.

Identifying Southern Resident Killer Whale Priority Foraging Areas

Southern resident killer whales are more vulnerable to disturbance while they are feeding than in other activity states. In 2010, Oceans Initiative conducted a study to identify key feeding areas for the Southern Residents as the first step of a systematic conservation planning process to identifying protected areas that would confer the most conservation benefit to the whales while minimizing costs, impacts, and inconvenience on other ocean user communities.

This study is building off this initial effort and has expanded the data available to input into the spatial models from one season to 15, spanning 2003 - 2020. This has been achieved by combining data sources from 7 researchers. 

18,558 whale observations were used for this analysis representing a 14-fold increase in sample size. This study used spatial modeling techniques to determine where the highest probability of whales foraging was along the west side area. 

A summary of this study, the findings, and the important context related to vessel noise and presence impacts on whale foraging behavior is provided below. 

OI SRKW Feeding Final Report 2021.pdf

Presentation on the results of the Southern Resident killer whale foraging behavior analysis.

Preliminary Analysis of Stakeholder Values and Attitudes

Identifying acceptable management alternatives of a common property resource area is complex.  User groups access and impact these areas differently and have diverse opinions about conservation goals and the tradeoffs of management alternatives.   The analysis of user values and opinion of management options included information from seven groups:

  • San Juan Island westside residents
  • Whale watching tour operators
  • Sea kayaking tour operators
  • Recreational boaters
  • Recreational fishers
  • Commercial fishers
  • Whale conservation non-profits and advocates

Full report on preliminary results

In addition to user groups, this project is conducting direct consultation with Coast Salish Tribes about the scientific findings and asking for their perspective on possible management options.

Summary of Survey Results

Presentation on the preliminary results of stakeholder values and attitudes by Confluence Research and Consulting.

Commercial and Treaty Fishing Openings 

Information for commercial and treaty fishing openings were obtained from WDFW (for chum) and from the Fraser River Panel (for sockeye and pink). 

Data were only selected for purse seine and gill net operations because these are the gear types used off the west side of San Juan Island. There were no openings for sockeye and pink in 2020,  and WDFW only provided the combined (reef net, gill net, and purse seine) openings for 2019. 

This infographic provides a summary of the number of days commercial and treaty fishing was open, and in 2019 a summary of the number of days whales were present on the westside per month compared to the number of days of fishing per month. 

Recreational Fishing Activities

Recreational fishing data were obtained for Area 7 from WDFW for 2016-2019. Not all 2020 data were available at the time of application, so we have not included them in the summaries presented here. 

  • Fishing activity was focused in January and during July-September each year. 
  • Salmon catches generally peaked in July with an average of 3,535 fish caught per month, during an average of 10,303  angler trips per month. 
  • July 2017 saw the highest number of angler trips at 17,268. 
  • It is important to note that these data represent the whole of Area 7 which encompasses San Juan County and are not just for the westside area. 
  • The number of killer whale days per month peaked during the months July - September, with 2016 and 2018 seeing the most whale days per month during these months. 
  • It is important to note that these data represent both Southern Resident and Transient killer whales combined because the majority of boaters and fisheries are unlikely to tell the difference. 

Explore how whale priority and human use priority areas overlap

Stakeholder Engagement Sessions

Funding Acknowledgement

This effort has been funded through San Juan County, The Northwest Straits Foundation, and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation by NOAA Fisheries and SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment.

Katie Jones