Know the Zones
Get familiar with the minimum set back distances and speed limits in the US and Canada.
Be Whale WiseThe whale warning flag lets you know that whales are in the area. It is a reminder for you to slow down and be prepared to adjust course.
By flying a flag in the presence of whales you are helping to alert your fellow boaters prompting them to slow down and follow Be Whale Wise.
The flag was first introduced by the North Island Marine Mammal Stewardship Association (NIMMSA) for boaters around North Vancouver Island, to alert boaters to the presence of humpback whales because of an increasing number of boater-whale collisions or near-misses.
The flag promotes a consistent unified message throughout Pacific NW coastal waters for good boating practices around all whales, including humpback whales, gray whales, minke whales, Transient or Resident killer whales.
Humpback whale by Soundwatch (taken under permit), minke whale by F.C. Robertson (taken under permit), killer whale by F.C. Robertson.
Get familiar with the minimum set back distances and speed limits in the US and Canada.
Be Whale WiseTo learn about the laws and guidelines for boating near whales in the Salish Sea please check out Be Whale Wise.
Be Whale WiseWhale Warning Flags can be picked up for free in Washington State from dock talks at ports and marinas throughout the summer boating season, at The Seattle and Anacortes Boat Shows, and at boating events throughout the year.
Flags are also available for sale in Canada or for a shipping and handling fee in Washington State from:
Washington State
The San Juan County MRC embarked on a 2-year pilot study in 2018 to determine if the flag was an effective tool at shifting boater behavior.
The MRC worked closely with the Soundwatch Boater Education Program to collect data on vessel numbers and compliance with the Be Whale Wise regulations and guidelines.
The MRC also undertook a series of public and boater evaluations to better understand who the boating public in the San Juan's were, the general awareness levels of Be Whale Wise, and collect views and understanding of the flag.
The results of this study were published in 2020 and are available for download here:
Since 2020 whale warning flags have been available through a growing network of partners. Recreational boaters have been able to pick up flags at the regional boat shows, at local dock talks, through boating events, and directly from San Juan County and other partners. This is all thanks to the Washington State Parks Boating Program making the flags available for no cost.
In addition, San Juan County distributed whale warning and Be Whale Wise packs to over 100 charter boat companies and boat clubs that operate in the inland waters of Washington State.
At the 2025 Seattle Boat Show 463 Whale Warning Flag packs were distributed to boaters, and many of the >1,300 people who stopped by the booth already had a flag. The flag has become an even more important tool with the 1,000 yard set-back distances for Southern Resident killer whales in Washington State.